Year 5

Year 5

Mr Perry, Ms Woodfield, Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Bramwell and Ms Bourke are looking forward to teaching you all this year. There will be a lot of challenges and work ahead but we hope you will all have a fun time learning throughout the year. This year, we hope you will continue to be independent learners and prepare yourselves for the challenges and SATs that await you in Year 6.


Year 5 Learning 

This year we will be covering a range of subjects.


In English you will be learning many different styles of writing, you will draw your inspiration to write by exploring an amazing range of books, film clips, cartoons, poems and text extracts.  You will write stories that transport our readers to the locations and cultures of different countries, you will also write about the lives and experiences of evacuees in WWII. Our poetry work will help us develop the skills of creating similes, metaphors and personifications


 In Maths, you will be gaining a deeper understanding of multiplying and dividing numbers. You will be multiplying numbers that range from 2-digit by 1-digit to 4 digits by 2-digits. For division, we will be looking at dividing 4- digit numbers by 1-digit. We will also be looking at fractions, decimals, percentages, properties of shapes and position and direction.


In Science you will learn all about materials, their properties and how they shape and influence the world we live inYou will explore our solar system and learn the planets, their properties, their position in space and how they are in orbit around the SUN.  Together we will learn about the circle of life, how plants and animals reproduce and how forces act and interact with each other.


In Art you will learn how the Aztecs created amazing pattern by using collagraphs and then use these techniques to create your own unique prints.  You will also explore the drawing styles of great artists and imitate their styles as you develop your pencil drawing techniques.  You will also create a 3D sculpture using a range of materials and techniques.


In R.E, we will be looking at the parables of Jesus and understand what Jesus was trying to tell use through these parables. We will then be looking at: the work of the Apostles, Lent Holy Week as well as Pentecost. You will be learning how to write your own prayers, learn the ones for this year group and be able to understand more about the Catholic faith.


In Topic (History and Geography), we will be learning about the Vikings to begin with. We will be learning about the region in which they came from and be able to pick out these countries using maps. We will then move on to learning about their religious beliefs and why they invaded Britain.

Further on in the term, we will be looking at the Victorians-what kind of people they were, how they lived and the problems they would continuously face.


In PSHE, we will be covering a wide range of topics. We will be looking at: The Aspects of Relationship Education, Healthy Lifestyles, Keeping Safe, Friendships, Online Safety as well as Feelings and Emotions.


For those of you who already have children attend our school, please find more detail on our class page on eSchools.