Year 3


Year 3
Welcome to Year 3! Your first step into Key Stage 2, the Juniors!
Miss McClenaghan, Miss Clohessy and Miss Parry will teach you, guide you and support you to be the very best you can be!


Year 3 Learning
In Year 3, you will be encouraged to work with greater independence.
Often you will work in pairs, or in groups, so that you have chance to discuss your learning, explain your understanding and share your strategies.

Maths – In Maths you will learn the written methods for addition and subtraction. You will be able to multiply 2 digit numbers by a single digit and you will name and recognise various fractions including quarters, thirds and tenths.
You will practise speedy recall of your times tables and will be encouraged to spend time on Times Tables Rock Stars to further develop your fluency and accuracy.

English – In English, you will have the chance to adopt many different writing styles. You will write non-fiction pieces such as non-chronological reports, recounts and biographies. You will also be given many opportunities to create fiction pieces such as stories, setting descriptions and diary entries!
We want you to develop as independent writers so you will learn to edit your own writing – by proof reading and amending any errors.

R.E. – You will learn more about the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Many of you will prepare to receive these Sacraments for the first time in the Summer Term. You will learn about the different parts of the Mass and you will create your own psalms and reflections. You will learn by heart tradition prayers The Act of Contrition and The Act of Hope.

Science – You will be working scientifically, posing your own questions, carrying out investigations and recording your results. You will learn more about light sources, different kinds of rocks and plants too! You will learn more about your body and by the end of the year you will be able to name and locate various bones and organs!

Year 3 Topics

Autumn – Stone Age
During the Autumn term, you will travel back in time to learn all about the Stone Age. In our History lessons you will place events in chronological order and you will learn about different types of shelter.

In our Art lessons you will study cave paintings before creating your very own cave art.

Spring – Egyptians

During the Spring term, you will learn more about the Ancient Egyptians.

In our Geography lessons, you will use atlases to help you create your own map of Egypt. You will learn more about the importance of the River Nile.
In our D&T lessons you will be creating your very own “sarcophagus” using Modroc. You will be using a traditional design to decorate your coffin before it is displayed in Y3’s mini museum.

Summer – Storms and Shipwrecks

During the Summer Term you will learn all about the Sinking of the Titanic!

In our Geography lessons you will learn more about different types of storm and how these impact various countries around the world.

In our Art lessons you will use a technique called “pointillism” to create your very own ship wreck scene!



Information for parents

Homework will be given out on a Friday and due in the following Thursday.

Spellings will be tested every week Monday (3C) and Friday (3M)

PE will be on Fridays.