Year 6

Year 6

Mrs Willdig, Mr Blackman, and Ms Bourke are all looking forward to an exciting year, with lots of exciting learning and challenges ahead. 

In Year 6 you will be expected to: -

  • Become more independent and do things for yourself.
  • Read lots of different things, including newspapers.
  • Take responsibility for doing your homework and handing it in on time. Use your homework diary to help you keep track.
  • Keep practising your times-tables: you need to know them inside out!
  • Present work to a high standard.
  • Set a good example to the younger children in the school.
  • Work collaboratively, helping and supporting one another.
  • Try your very best and never give up!

In Maths, you will be gaining a deeper understanding of place value, the four operations, fractions, decimals and percentages whilst looking at shape, data and algebra. You will use this knowledge to help solve multi-step word problems.

In the Summer term you will be sitting the KS2 SATs tests and we will prepare you for them by using previous papers.

In English, we will use different medias to help with writing from short films such as Wallace & Gromit to stories such as Michael Morpurgo’s Giant’s Necklace and Egyptian Cinderella to poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson and Walter de la Mare. Using such varied texts gives us the opportunity to write in different styles.

In Guided Reading, each group will read at least one book from our chosen author – Michael Morpurgo. In preparation for the SATs, you will be asked to predict, make inferences and justify their answers using the text as evidence.

In RE, as a Sacramental Year, we consider more closely our relationship with God and how we can use the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit wisely.  We will look at what it takes to be a true disciple and you will have the opportunity to write your own psalms, prayers as well as contribute parts to the Mass.

In Science, we look at the following topics: Animals Including Humans, Evolution and Inheritance, Living Things, Electricity and Light. All of these topics allow for investigations, experiments and observations to be undertaken. You will continue to improve working scientifically.

In Geography, over the year you will study the continent of Africa. You will describe and understand key features of human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water. You will also look at Rivers where you will describe and understand key factors of physical geography, including: climate zones and the water cycle. There will also be an opportunity to learn how to OS maps.

In History, we look at World War 2 and its impact across the World, in England and, more locally, in Birmingham. You will understand what it is like to be an evacuee, how to live on food rations and how to ‘make do and mend’.  You will also look at the Ancient Civilisation of Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300 and find out all about this interesting time in history.

In PE, you will have the opportunity to play invasion games such as tag rugby whilst also looking at gymnastics, dance and general fitness. Swimming takes place in the Autumn term.

In Music, we link the study of music with the topics covered in History Geography and DT. You will compose pieces based on rivers, roller coasters and you will also look into the history of music, especially drumming. Our Africa topic allows you to study all aspects of African culture – music, dance and singing.

In Art, you have the opportunity to look at artists using a variety of materials. We highlight the work of Clarice Cliff, Edward Tingatinga and Henry Moore.

In DT, you will use different techniques and materials throughout the year from following WW2 recipes to make authentic food to balsa wood and dowling to make a funfair ride. Throughout you will be expected to design, make and evaluate your work.

In Computing, you will have the opportunity to work with green screen technology and design your own apps. You will also learn basic typing skills and how to use programs such as Excel and PowerPoint.

For those of you who already have children who attend our school, please find more detail on our class page on ESchools.